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The Historical Society of Quincy & Adams County and John Wood Community College are sponsoring a program by Arlis Dittmer entitled Another Nurse, Another War about the amazing life of Lauretta Eno. The program will be held on March 12 beginning at 6:30 pm in JWCC’s Mary Ellen Orr Auditorium, 1301 S. 48th Street in Quincy.
Eno had an amazing life. She served as a Navy nurse at the Navy Hospital in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, during the bombing in 1941; she was also assigned to a hospital ship during the war. Following the war she earned a master’s degree in nursing administration. She was later named director of nursing services and nursing education at Quincy’s Blessing Hospital where her first goal was changing the nursing school from service-centered to a sound academically centered school.
This program is the second presentation of the Bicentennial Speaker Series sponsored by JWCC and HSQAC during the bicentennial year.
Dittmer is a retired health science librarian and former president of the Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County. During her years with Blessing Health System, she became interested in medical and nursing history—both topics frequently overlooked in history.
On Thursday, March 13, audience participants are also invited to attend “Morning Brew and Review,” a day after discussion of the program, held in the Historical Society’s Visitor Center Lounge, 425 South 12th, beginning at 9:00 am.
The program and “Morning Brew and Review” are free of charge and open to the public.
Further information is available at or by contacting the HSQAC Office at 217-222-1835.
March 12-Another Nurse’s Story…Another War Arlis Dittmer
April 9-Lincoln’s Medical Issues Dr. George Crickard
May 14 – The Underground Railroad in This Area
Dr. Patrick Hotle and Terrell Dempsey June 11 - The Black Churches of Adams County Rev. Orville Jones July 9 - Was Abraham Lincoln a Dictator: A Debate Dr. Sam Wheeler and Dr. Steve Belko
August 13 – George Iles and the Tuskegee Airmen Rob Mellon
September 10 – City of Refuge – The Illinois Mormons
Dave Harbin
October 8 – The Pfanschmidt Murders Beth Lane
November 12 – Indigenous People of Adams County and the Potawatomie Trail of Death
Dr. Michael Wiant
December 10 – Tales of John Wood and His Adams County Reg Ankrom
The Historical Society, in conjunction with WGEM, is currently writing a series of tiny stories about people and events in Adams County entitled History Minutes to celebrate the county's Bicentennial year. The "Minutes" run on the 5 :00 pm Nightly News every weekday evening and at various other times on the channel. HSQAC members and friends are writing the pieces. If you would like to participate, please contact the Society's Office at 217-222-1835.
The "Minutes are also featured on the WGEM website.
Golden Collective will become the premier merchandise providers for Quincy's History Shop, the gift shop in the history Museum, effective immediately. The duo will provide a wide selection of Quincy-related items, many with custom designs featuring landmarks and events from the Gem City.
An Open House is being planned for Saturay, March 15. Drop by 332 Maine in Quincy and check out their new merchandise!
We offer monthly adult programming, educational programs for students, exhibits, annual cemetery tours and Christmas candlelight tours of the Mansion.
Joseph Messina- Stained Glass Gallery
The 1835 Greek Revival home at 12th and State showcases period appropriate furniture and is one of the finest examples of historic preservation in Illinois. This location also includes an 1835 Log Cabin, Livery, and Visitors Center housing the HSQAC office and Research Library.
An 1888 landmark, the History Museum anchors the 4th and Maine corner of the square. It houses permanent and rotating exhibits, some which highlight the role Quincy and Adams County have played in history and others which showcase local architectural artifacts. The museum also features a gift shop with unique local and historical items.
Learn about Quincy during the Lincoln era and about Lincoln’s connections to Quincy. Historic homes and sites, museum displays, and 18 Looking for Lincoln wayside exhibits interpret the stories. And, a living history festival, Lincoln in the District, brings that period to life!